DFCloudMeshDistance component



DFCloudMeshDistance component#

Computes the distance between a point cloud and a mesh


i_cloud_source (pointcloud ,list)

The source point cloud.

i_assembly (ghdoc ,item)

The target DFAssembly

i_signed_flag (bool ,item)

whether to consider the sign of the distances

i_swap (bool ,item)

whether to swap source and target

i_analysis_resolution (float ,item)

the maximum edge length of the mesh that is used for the distance calculation



list of calculated distances for each point of the source.


average squared difference between source and target.


max deviation between source and target


min deviation between source and target


standard deviation between source and target.


The result of the distance calculation.


#! python3

import System

import Rhino
from ghpythonlib.componentbase import executingcomponent as component
from Grasshopper.Kernel import GH_RuntimeMessageLevel as RML

import diffCheck
from diffCheck import df_cvt_bindings
from diffCheck import df_error_estimation

class DFCloudMeshDistance(component):
    def RunScript(self,
            i_cloud_source: System.Collections.Generic.List[Rhino.Geometry.PointCloud],
            i_signed_flag: bool,
            i_swap: bool,
            i_analysis_resolution: float):

        if i_analysis_resolution is None:
            scalef = diffCheck.df_util.get_doc_2_meters_unitf()
            i_analysis_resolution = 0.1 / scalef

        # Based on cloud source input + beam size, decide whether to calculate joints or entire assembly and output respective message
        if len(i_assembly.beams) == len(i_cloud_source):
            ghenv.Component.Message = "Per Beam"  # noqa: F821
            rh_mesh_target_list = [beam.to_mesh(i_analysis_resolution) for beam in i_assembly.beams]
        elif len(i_assembly.all_joints) == len(i_cloud_source):
            ghenv.Component.Message = "Per Joint"  # noqa: F821
            rh_mesh_target_list = [joint.to_mesh(i_analysis_resolution) for joint in i_assembly._all_joints]
            ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(RML.Warning, "The input number of objects to compare matches neither the number of beams nor the number of joints")  # noqa: F821
            return None, None, None, None, None, None

        # conversion
        df_cloud_source_list = [df_cvt_bindings.cvt_rhcloud_2_dfcloud(i_cl_s) for i_cl_s in i_cloud_source]

        # calculate distances
        o_result = df_error_estimation.df_cloud_2_rh_mesh_comparison(df_cloud_source_list, rh_mesh_target_list, i_signed_flag, i_swap)

        return o_result.distances, o_result.distances_rmse, o_result.distances_max_deviation, o_result.distances_min_deviation, o_result.distances_sd_deviation, o_result