
In DF we use Sphinx to generate the documentation. The documentation is written in reStructuredText and Markdown and the source files are located in the doc folder. The documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs and is automatically updated when a new commit is pushed to the main branch.


For more info on how to write .rst files, check this reStructuredText guide.

Build locally#

To build locally the documentation to test your changes:

invoke documentize

and to open the documentation in your browser:

start _build/html/index.html

If you modify the docs files and refresh the pages updates will be visible.

Contribute to the documentation#

Follow these guides to contribute to the documentation whether you:

✔️ GHComponent’s docs#

If you write a new GHComponents you will most probably already have created and filled a metadata.json file. DF uses this file to automatically generate the documentation for the GHComponents. The only thing you need to do is:

  • add a new .rst file with the name of the component like gh_DFComponentName.rst

  • add it to the gh_components.rst file’s list-table::


    The list-table:: is organized in two columns so if not pair add simply two empty strings - to the end of the last entry.

  • add it to the toctree::

Our custom sphinx extension sphinx_ghcomponent_parser will automatically parse the metadata.json file and generate the documentation for the GHComponent✨✨.

☑️ Python API’s docs#

For Python API documentation, we use sphinx-apidoc to automatically generate the API documentation so the only thing to do is to add beautiful docstrings to the Python code with the following reStructuredText (reST) format style:

    def example_function(param1, param2):
    Summary of the function.

    :param param1: Description of `param1`.
    :type param1: int
    :param param2: Description of `param2`.
    :type param2: str
    :return: Description of the return value.
    :rtype: bool
    return True

DF Tutorial’s docs#

If you need to add a new page to the tutorials (e.g. a new tutorial), you can do so by adding a new .rst file in the doc folder and linking it in the tutorials.rst file’s toctree:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
