Style guide#

Here’s you can find some documentations and guidelines to contribute to the source code of DF.


GitHub commit convetion#

All commits need to be labeled with a tag among these:

git commit -m "ADD:<description>"         <--- for adding new elements
git commit -m "FIX:<description>"         <--- for fixing (errors, typos)
git commit -m "FLASH:<description>"       <--- quick checkpoint before refactoring
git commit -m "MILESTONE:<description>"   <--- for capping moment in development
git commit -m "CAP:<description>"         <--- for for less important milestones
git commit -m "UPDATE:<description>"      <--- for moddification to the same file
git commit -m "MISC:<description>"        <--- for any other reasons to be described
git commit -m "WIP:<description>"         <--- for not finished work
git commit -m "REFACTOR:<description>"    <--- for refactored code
git commit -m "MERGE:<description>"       <--- for merging operations

You can merge few tags e.g.:

git commit -m "WIP-CAP:<description>      <--- for cap moment in not finished work 

Delete submodule#

To delete a submodule in Win, you need to:

  1. Delete the relevant section from the .gitmodules file. The section would look something like this:

[submodule "submodule_name"]
    path = submodule_path
    url = submodule_url
  1. Stage the .gitmodules changes:

git add .gitmodules
  1. (optional) Delete the relevant section from .git/config. The section would look something like this:

[submodule "submodule_name"]
    url = submodule_url
  1. Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash).

  2. Run Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .git/modules/path_to_submodule.

  3. Commit the changes:

git commit -m "Remove a submodule name"


Py sanity check#

To ensure the code quality we use the following linter and type checker tools:

  • mypy for type checking.

  • Ruff for code quality and style.

Python Grasshopper Components#

Here’s the list of convetion for the Grasshopper components for DF in python:

  • i_ for input parameters: e.g. i_plane for a plane input.

  • o_ for output parameters: e.g. o_plane for a plane output.

  • DF for the component name: e.g. DF_tester for a tester component and the name of the class should be class DFTester(component).


Naming & synthax convention#

Here’s the naming convention for this project:

  • : lowerCamelCase.

  • type PublicVariable: public member of a class

  • type m_PrivateVariable: Hungarian notation with UpperCamelCase for private class members.

  • static type s_StaticVariable: Hungarian notation with UpperCamelCase for static members of class.

  • APP_SPEC: Constants with SNAKE_UPPER_CASE.

  • All the other naming uses UpperCamelCase.

Here’s an example:

// do not use using namespace std; we specify the namespace everytime

// next line graph style
void Foo()
    /* content */

// structure name uses UpperCamelCase
struct AnExampleStruct
    // structure attribute uses UpperCamelCase
    const char* Name;

// class name uses UpperCamelCase
class AnExampleClass
    AnExampleClass(const int& init);
    virtual ~AnExampleClass();

    // member functions use UpperCamelCase
    void PublicMemberFunction()
        // local variable uses lowerCamelCase
        int localVariable = 0;

// A field indicator to separate the functions and attributes
    int PublicVariable;

// Private member function block
    // member functions use UpperCamelCase
    void PrivateMemberFunction(); 

// Also a field indicator to separate the functions and attributes
    // private variables uses Hungarian notation with UpperCamelCase
    int m_PrivateVariable; // m_VariableName for normal variable
    static int s_Instance; // s_VariableName for static variable

// Start headers with 
#pragma once

// Start declarations with precompiled headers
#include "aiacpch.h"

Only smart (or unique) pointers#

It’s 2024, we can pass on raw pointers. We use smart pointers.

std::unique_ptr<AnExampleClass> example = std::make_unique<AnExampleClass>(0);

Or if you really need to use an unique pointer because you don’t want to transfer the ownership of the object, use a shared pointer.

std::shared_ptr<AnExampleClass> example = std::make_shared<AnExampleClass>(0);

Debugging with GDB#

We use GDB for debugging. To install GDB on windows, do the following:

  1. Download the MSYS2 installer from the MSYS2 website.

  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions in the MSYS2 installation guide.

  3. Open the MSYS2 terminal and update the core package database:

pacman -Syu
  1. Install the GDB debugger:

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
  1. Add the GDB to the system path in PATH_ENVIRONMENT:

  2. Close the terminal sessions you where using and open a new one. Now you can use GDB.

gdb "path-to-executable"

use run to start the program and quit to exit the debugger. use break to set a breakpoint and continue to continue the execution of the program. use bt to see the backtrace of the program when a segfault occurs.


For documentation we use the *JavaDoc” convention. Follow this guide for documenting the code.

 * @brief fill a vector of TSPlanes from a yaml file containing their corners data
 * @param filename path to the map.yaml file
 * @param planes vector of TSPlane objects


To log use the following MACROS. All the code is contained in log.hh and


The output is like so:

2024-03-30 12:53:29.971 (   0.000s) [        ADF6D348]    INFO| test_core_info
2024-03-30 12:53:29.972 (   0.000s) [        ADF6D348]    WARN| test_core_warn
2024-03-30 12:53:29.972 (   0.000s) [        ADF6D348]     ERR| test_core_error
2024-03-30 12:53:29.972 (   0.000s) [        ADF6D348]    FATL| test_core_critical

The logging can be silenced by setting ON the option in the main CMakeLists.txt.

option(SILENT_LOGGING "Do not log messages in the terminal of on." ON)

I/O and basic datatypes#

Here’s how you can import point cloud from file:

#include "diffCheck/geometry/DFPointCloud.hh"
#include "diffCheck/geometry/DFMesh.hh"

// clouds
std::shared_ptr<diffCheck::geometry::DFPointCloud> dfPointCloudPtr = std::make_shared<diffCheck::geometry::DFPointCloud>();
std::string pathMesh = R"(C:\Users\yourfilecloudpath.ply)";

// mesh
std::shared_ptr<diffCheck::geometry::DFMesh> dfMeshPtr = std::make_shared<diffCheck::geometry::DFMesh>();
std::string pathCloud = R"(C:\Users\yourfilemeshpath.ply)";


Clouds and mesh can be visualized like this:

#include "diffCheck/visualizer/DFVisualizer.hh"

// clouds
std::shared_ptr<diffCheck::visualizer::DFVisualizer> dfVisualizerPtr = std::make_shared<diffCheck::visualizer::DFVisualizer>();

// mesh
std::shared_ptr<diffCheck::visualizer::DFVisualizer> dfVisualizerPtr = std::make_shared<diffCheck::visualizer::DFVisualizer>();